8 Foot Care Tips For Beautiful Feet

Your feet are just as important as the rest of your body, but you're probably neglecting them. The skin on your feet is thicker, drier, and more susceptible to cracking and peeling than anywhere else on your body — which means you need to pay them a little more attention.

If you're looking for the best ways to keep your feet looking and feeling great, we're here to help. Our foot care guide is full of easy-to-follow tips that can take your foot care routine to the next level.

Check Your Feet Often

When you're cleaning your feet, look between the toes and soles of your feet for any signs of redness, infection, or fungal infections — these are all signs that you may have an issue to address. It's best to catch foot problems early because they are easier to treat then.

Exfoliate and Moisturise

Foot care is just as important as skin care. Skipping a pedicure every now and then won't hurt, but skipping out on regular foot exfoliation can lead to dry and cracked heels. Skipping moisturising will also leave you with super dry skin, especially in the colder months, which can be painful to walk around with! Moisturise them daily to keep your feet smooth and supple. By taking the time for foot care, you'll be able to keep your feet in perfect condition!

Wash Your Feet Regularly 

Clean feet are healthy feet. Foot hygiene is important for everyone, with the right essentials it helps ensure that your feet are clean and healthy. Foot hygiene means taking the time to clean your feet each night before bed. Good hygiene practices help keep your feet free from odor, prevent athlete’s foot, and ward off other painful infections.

Try out Barefoot Shores

How about trying out barefoot shoes for a change? Made from the most comfortable materials, Barefoot Shoes are flexible, lightweight, durable and ergonomic. They’re perfect for walking your dogs in the park, going for a ride on your bike, or simply taking a stroll along your local river path.

Brighten Your Feet With Lemon Juice

As you know, the appearance of the skin on your face can be improved with natural products like lemon juice. To do the same for your feet, combine one part lemon juice, one part glycerine, and two parts rose water. Wash your feet thoroughly first, apply the mixture to your feet, and leave it on for about thirty minutes before washing it off with warm water.

Avoid High Heels As Much As Possible 

High heels can cause a whole host of problems in your feet, legs, and back. Back pain is one of the most common complaints caused by wearing high-heeled shoes all day long. If you wear heels every day, it can intensify and even create new back pain due to the weight of the shoe and the way they force you to tilt your body forward.

Moisturise With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil or olive oil can treat rough feet. The trick is to use these oils after your skin has absorbed a lot of moisture — like after a shower. Apply the oil so it will stay on your skin and let it absorb for about an hour before you get dressed, then slip on some socks to lock the moisture in overnight.

Wear Correctly Fitting Shoes

If you're not happy with the way your shoes feel, you should not keep them. Your feet deserve to be comfortable. The best shoes for feet are those that have rounded shapes, plenty of room for toes, and sensible heels. Shoes with pointed toes can cause ingrown toenails and calluses.