Are Flat Shoes Good For Our Feet?

One of our very favourite topics of conversation in the UK is the weather. We use it as a small talk topic because it is forever changing, day by day, season by season. One consequence of this ever-changing weather is that we also have changing wardrobes, including footwear. As warmer weather approaches, our boots and trainers are swapped for open-toed sandals and light, flat footwear, keeping the covering of our feet minimal. Sadly, this change to flat footwear often leads to increased heel pain; something podiatrists are well aware of.

Why not wear flat sandals?

You might be feeling a little confused as to why flat footwear should cause problems; after all, surely it is more natural to be walking around in flat sandals than in any kind of heel? It was not that long ago that we would have been walking around barefoot, or with minimal wrapping around our feet, certainly not well-cushioned soles or sports trainers. But there are two fundamental differences between then and now. Centuries ago we would have been walking on much more forgiving surfaces, such as grass and mud. Now we spend a lot of our time walking on concrete and wood. And it is also a fact that we have got taller and heavier. This all adds pressure on our feet.

One of our popular choices for summer footwear is the simple flip-flop. This simple design is very minimal, allowing our skin to breathe and allowing air to circulate around our toes. However, there are some basic design faults with this footwear. It is a very wayward shoe; it frequently does not appear to want to go the way we want it to, and in order to control the direction and keep the flip-flops on our feet, we often end up shuffling along rather than walking. Not only does this have consequences for our feet but also for our back and hips. In addition, the flip-flop is flat and therefore offers little support and no shock absorption. Perhaps the solution, wherever possible, is to go barefoot? Whilst this is great for a short while, it can still get uncomfortable on the hard surfaces of our homes. Hard concrete, tiles, wood and paths are unforgiving surfaces.

What is the solution?

So, if flat sandals are not the perfect solution, and going barefoot isn’t ideal either, then what is? Well, we are not suggesting for a moment that you spend the heat of summer with feet wrapped up in trainers, but we are suggesting that you look at getting sandals that have some support. This means choosing a sandal that has some arch support with a slightly raised heel, making sure the sole is slightly thicker under the heel than along the sole. 

Heel straps are also a good idea as they give extra support to the ankle area and help keep the shoe firmly on your foot. Keep flat flip-flops just for slipping on occasionally for use around the home.

Bear in mind your activities

When considering summer footwear, it will also be helpful to consider what activities you will be doing. For walking on city streets, pounding pavements, you will need a well-cushioned sole and also ankle support. For a country walk, you will need closed-toe sandals with good cushioning.

So, hopefully if you follow this advice, you will not spend the summer suffering with heel pain. If you do find yourself suffering from any kind of foot pain or discomfort, be sure to seek the help of a qualified podiatrist who will be more than happy to help get you sorted and back to pain-free summer activities.

*This blog contains general information about medical conditions and is not advice. You must not rely upon the information in this blog as medical advice. Medical advice should always be sought from an appropriately qualified podiatrist such as ourselves.