The Link Between Bad Shoes & Heel Pain

If you want to keep your feet healthy and avoid injuries, it's essential to be choosy about your shoes. The right pair of shoes can make a big difference in your overall health and wellbeing, but wearing the wrong type of shoes can cause problems with foot pain. To make sure you're picking the best shoes for your feet, keep these tips in mind.

The surface we walk on every day has a significant impact on our feet. Different surfaces can cause various problems, so it's important to choose the right type of shoe to protect our feet. Shoes with good arch and heel support can help prevent problems caused by walking on hard or uneven surfaces.

How could a shoe be causing your heel pain?

The shoes are a bad fit - If your shoes don't fit quite right, you're not alone. It's actually pretty common to have ill-fitting footwear. Shoes that are too big, small, wide, or narrow can cause various problems like pain from pinching or rubbing, lack of support, and even altered gait patterns. Those with especially wide or narrow feet often have the most trouble finding shoes that fit well.

Your shoes are too old and worn out - As our shoes age, they become subject to more wear and tear. This can cause the soles to become thinner, which in turn decreases cushioning and grip. If you start to experience more foot pain when wearing your shoes, it may be time to say goodbye.

You are wearing the incorrect shoes for your activities or lifestyle - It is important to select the right shoes for the activity you will be participating in, as wearing the incorrect footwear can lead to pain. This applies to everyday activities as well as sports such as basketball, tennis, and running. Wearing the correct shoes will help ensure your feet stay healthy and pain-free.

New Shoes

What should you do before buying new shoes?

The best way to find the perfect shoes is to know your feet. Once you know your foot measurements, width, and arch type, finding shoes that fit becomes a lot easier. With that information in hand, here are some tips for finding comfortable and stylish shoes!

Don't purchase your shoes online - It can be tricky to buy shoes online since you can't test them for fit beforehand. This is a gamble, as it's hard to tell if the shoes will be comfortable without trying them on first.

Purchase your shoes later in the day or after activity - It is essential to try on shoes at the end of the day or after activities because your feet will have expanded naturally by then. This way, you can be confident that the shoes will always fit, regardless of what time it is or whether your feet have naturally swelled during the day. 

Ensure you always measure your feet - Your feet go through a lot of changes over your lifetime. They can swell up during the day, change size and shape, and even develop different conditions like bunions or plantar fasciitis. All of these factors can be due to weight gain or loss, pregnancy, age, the type of shoes you wear and much more. No matter the cause, it's essential to keep an eye on how your feet change and take steps to protect them. This means wearing comfortable shoes that fit correctly and provide your feet with the proper support and care.

There are a few considerations to factor in when picking out the perfect shoe. Firstly, both length and width matter, with the width being especially key. Secondly, ensure that the shoe hugs the heel snugly, so it doesn't slide off while walking. If it feels constricting or uncomfortable, it is likely not the right size - contrary to popular belief, shoes almost never need to be "broken in."

There are a few important things to remember when shopping for new shoes. First, it is crucial that the shoes fit well. They should be comfortable from the start and not require any breaking-in period. There should also be enough room in the toe area so that your toes do not feel cramped. Finally, you should be able to press down on the area between the front of the shoe and your longest toe without any tightness. Keep these things in mind when shoe shopping, and you are sure to find a great pair!

A new pair of shoes can be a game-changer, giving you the confidence to take on the world. But sometimes, foot pain is caused by an underlying condition, and no shoe can fix that. In those cases, you may need help from a professional to figure out the source of the pain.

Never ignore foot pain, as it can signify a more serious underlying condition. A podiatrist can help diagnose and treat the problem, so you can get back to your life pain-free.

*This blog contains general information about medical conditions and is not advice. You must not rely upon the information in this blog as medical advice. Medical advice should always be sought from an appropriately qualified podiatrist such as ourselves.