What Is A Verruca?

Verrucas, also known as plantar warts, occur when the outer layer of skin becomes infected. Most commonly found on hands and feet. Currently, in the UK teenagers of both genders are routinely given the HPV vaccination, which helps prevent warts and verrucas in up to 90% of cases. 

Verrucas are firm, raised lumps which usually have a rough outer surface and are surrounded by black dots. They are also round in shape; however, a larger infection known as a mosaic wart can cause a cluster of verrucas to swarm together, creating a more abnormal look.  

As already stated the cause of verrucas is via picking up the human papillomavirus; this is pretty easily done by skin to skin contact. 

Preventive measures should be used when entering infective areas such as swimming pools, changing rooms or anywhere someone may have walked barefoot before you. We typically recommend if you're going to the pool or somewhere similar, you should always try to wear flip-flops to protect your feet from the transmission of any viruses.

Verrucas are not hereditary and are generally painless; however, prolonged periods of weight-bearing on the infected surface may cause some irritation. 

Up to 65% of viral warts including verrucas will disperse on their own, admittedly it can take up to 2 years, and the infection is more prone to spread if left untreated in this period of time. 

How To Destroy A Verruca

Many approaches have been trialled and tested over the years, some quite elaborate and others are simple over the counter remedies. 

The treatment is usually dependant on how severe the infection is, but you should always seek professional help from a podiatrist if you have the following conditions:

  • Diabetes

  • Poor foot sensations

  • Weakened immune systems

  • Poor circulation

  • If the area is painful and bleeding a lot

You should never try and attempt to attack your verrucas with a nail file or nail clippers as the infection can spread and worsen your condition. Filing the top layer of skin will not cure the problem. Hence you should seek professional advice to completely eliminate the problem and get your feet looking fit and healthy once again! Book an appointment with us and we will help you deal with those pesky verrucas once and for all.